How To Have A Positive Mindset As An Artist - 4 Tips

One of the biggest lessons I have ever learned as an artist, in business and in life is that mindset is everything.

Have you ever found yourself dreaming of success but stopping short, thinking to yourself that "it's impossible"? We’ve all been there.

Let’s be honest, we’ve all got dreams and goals floating around in our heads that we’d love to make happen, but many times we never get them out of our heads… they just stay there, locked inside and never see the light of day!

Usually, the most common reason why they stay in our heads is because of two little words…

female artist in studio with drawing pad

What if?

What if... It doesn’t work out?

What if... People don’t like my work?

What if... No one buys?

What if... People laugh?

What if... I can’t do this?

What if... My pricing is wrong?

What if… Nobody does go to my exhibition?

Here Is The Thing

The list goes on and on with reasons why it’s not a good idea to go full speed ahead towards making our dream a reality.

We hold ourselves back, overthink everything, doubt ourselves, criticise ourselves, procrastinate and get stuck… then most of the time we end up pushing the idea to the back of our minds – it was a silly idea anyway!

The truth is, for most of us, the biggest battle we face in life is with ourselves.

We can be our own worst enemy. I know that’s true for me. In my life whenever I’ve felt lost, confused, unmotivated, frustrated and downright hopeless, I can guarantee you that it’s because I’ve been running the wrong programs in my mind – my mindset has been off track, programmed for failure, not success.

And whenever I’ve felt really on top of everything, proactive, positive, motivated and hopeful I can guarantee you that it’s because I’ve been running the right programs in my head.

I am set for success

We all have the power to set and achieve our dreams! With a positive attitude, an open mind, and some focused effort we can become what once seemed like distant goals. Don't let your ambitions stay just that – it's time to unlock your potential so you can make progress towards achieving them!

——Your destiny is determined by the choices you make. Choose now, choose well.


Let’s Develop A Success Mindset

Having a success-focused mindset involves taking on any challenge that comes your way and using failures as learning opportunities. It's the key to reaching big goals!

  • Let your accomplishments be seen - share them with friends and family!

  • Make each new challenge a stepping stone to greater heights.

  • Collect advice from those around you, both good and bad; it's all part of the growth process.

  • Reflect often so that every victory is appreciated - recognize how far you've come!

  • Embrace the bumps in the road and use them as an opportunity to grow.

  • Shed any need for validation by being true to yourself

  • Value the journey over the end result. Take more risks

Get Into A Success Routine

1. Get Cristlay Clear On What You Want

It's easy to get off track when your goals aren't clear, it can make you feel frustrated and confused. If you don’t know where you’re headed, you’ll never know how to get there. That’s what my mama always told me. Sometimes it’s easy to write a list of goals, but not actively set a path to accomplishing them. The easy part is talking about a Dream…the hard work begins when you Do.

Success only comes when you stick with a course of action to achieve what you want, and research proves that setting a specific goal ensures you have a chance of getting precisely that.

So, once I understand what I'm trying to achieve, getting back in the flow is so much easier!

The Importance Of Setting Ambitious Goals

2. Ask For What You Want

You’ve got to get clear on what it is that you truly want. Believe. Be open to receiving.

Instead of spending your days doubting yourself and feeling like you won't get what you want, trust that it is possible.

Release any worries and shift your thoughts to something else or do something different! You'll be able to reach whatever goal you set out for if tranquillity reigns in the face of resistance.

You’ve got to do whatever it takes to stay in alignment with what you’ve asked for. You’ve got to feel like it’s already happened, you’ve got to believe that it’s a done deal. Receive. Allow yourself to receive what you want

3. Increase The Good Stuff

Show yourself the same compassion you would a friend and don't be afraid to give yourself a break.

Pampering is not only permissible but it's also encouraged!

Negative thinking can be a real struggle to overcome, but what if you could turn the tables? Imagine taking those negative thoughts and directing them outward. This creative approach helps us recognize just how damaging these mental patterns really are - plus it's an easy way to give yourself some much-needed downtime!

When your negative thoughts become obsessive or repetitive it is important to take a break, or those thoughts may develop into habits. Make yourself a cup of tea, go for a walk, or even watch your favourite show to distract yourself from the negative chatter.

Throw It In The Bin

If you feel stuck in a loop of anxious thoughts, try writing all of them down on a piece of paper, then destroy the paper: rip it into confetti, bury it, or throw it in the bin, anything to get rid of it. This can be a very freeing experience.

How to boldly pursue your artistic calling even if you’re riddled with self-doubt

4. Get Over Procrastination

Procrastination is an issue that plagues many artists, as the creative process involves a lot of trial and error and can sometimes be overwhelming.

To overcome procrastination, break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable goals. This will make it easier for you to complete the task in smaller increments, rather than feeling overwhelmed at the thought of completing the entire project in one go.

It's also helpful to set deadlines for yourself, as this will give you a sense of motivation and make it easier to stick with the plan.

Finally, don't be afraid to reach out for help if needed - often times having an outside perspective can give you clarity and provide new ideas on how to approach difficult projects.

By following these tips, you can learn how to manage your time better and ultimately overcome procrastination.

Five Top Tips To Deal With Procrastination

Final thought:

There is no need to implement all the strategies.

Start with one! Stick to it and you will see your positive mindset unfold.

Keep in mind that this is about YOUR dreams and YOUR passion.

Stick to your beliefs and create art which is a true expression of your being.
Follow your goal with all your passion, your efforts, your talent, and skills.

What are you waiting for?


3 Ways To Increase Your Self-Believe As An Artist


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