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In many occasions, artists have prophesied the path of their career, the course of their life and many other things surrounding them including life and death and a very specific one is Jean Michel Basquiat, the artist that we have chosen for the cover of the second edition of our magazine.

From the kid living in a cardboard box on the streets of New York at seventeen to a superstar millionaire artist at 21 to he’s tragic death at the age of 28 to a legend that inspires millions of artists, Jean Michel Basquiat has captured the imagination of the world.

The purpose of this publication is to see how contemporary artists present themselves and their works to the viewers and to connect them and their works with a wider audience.

Who is it for: Any artist or designer. There are no subject or medium restrictions; everyone is welcome to apply.

Benefits: Publication opportunity

Entry fee: £79 fee for each accepted submission

Deadline: 20 May 2021

Website: Apply here

May 17

Hot Summer City: Street Photography Exhibitio

May 25

Now calling for entries Wells Art Contemporary 2021