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Spring Open 2021

The Absent Gallery is dedicated to running a series of Open style exhibitions, professionally curated from selected artwork submitted by artists from Somerset responding to our Open Calls.

The selected artworks will be hung in a wonderful virtual interactive 3D gallery, where visitors can enter at any time to take a virtual walk around the gallery floor and at their own pace stop and view each piece of artwork in detail.

Each exhibition will be curated as in the real world, with each exhibition having a consistent high standard of carefully selected content that creates a united experience.

Who is it for: There is no specific theme and we are inviting submissions from artists of any discipline to submit artwork to this virtual interactive exhibition.

Submission fee: There is NO charge for submissions.

Submission Entries Close: 1st March 2021

Exhibition Start: 19th March 2021

Exhibition End: 16th May 2021

Website: Apply here

February 24

California Arts Council Grant - Statewide and Regional Networks

March 15

BBA Artist Prize 2021