Mythology, Ancient Civilisations, Science: An Interview With Artist Trendafila Trendafilova

Trendafila Trendafilova is an incredible talented artist and certainly on to follow and collect. Based in Bulgaria, her visual language is surprising, playful and bright and displays a tantalising originality. Trendafila is an award winning artist and has participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions across Europe.

SAH: Where do you get your inspiration from? Can you talk about your ideas and how they evolve?

TT: At the moment my interest is the study of mythology, ancient civilisations, science and seeing modernity as a continuation with a rather vague connection to the spiritual. Piano, dreams and nature walks are always my favourite inspirations.

SAH: Is it possible for you to separate your work from your life?

TT: No. I live with my work and the work lives with me. The things are very intertwined.
Even my second job is related to art.

SAH: What does freedom mean when it comes to art?

TT: The complete freedom is a creator. Art is built where there is freedom of mind and spirit. Freedom is a way to explore our own worlds and we should not be afraid of that.

SAH: Do you remember the earliest memory of when you wanted to do what you do today?

TT: Yes, I remember when I’ve made the commitment to become a professional working artist. It was when I made the transition from architecture education to art education.
I wanted that freedom of expression to become my life.

SAH: What is your main mode for selling original work now?

TT: There is no specific plan still, I and my partner work on my website and hope it will run better soon. We are trying to sell independently. The local market here in Bulgaria is quite difficult I think….. sales do not happen regularly and I need to have one more job to survive.

SAH: What are you watching, listening to or following that you would recommend?

TT: I like historian fantasy movies, also science fiction. The music I love is sometimes very ancient folk from many cultures, sometimes very modern electronic techno trans, I am also a musician and I love to play and sing on my piano. I am a singer in a traditional Bulgarian folklore choir too.

In art, I’ll definitely recommend Martine Johanna, Robin Williams, Martin Dias, the surreal and fantasy Tuco Amalfi. In music, I love so much Hania Rani, Coals, Tsar B, Roniit, Ben Lucas Boysen.

SAH: What advice would you give somebody who has just started their artistic career?

TT: It’s a huge commitment. It requires bravery and being truly honest with yourself. It’s a commitment in many forms, the life of the artist is spiritual, not material you have to be ready to stay humble. It needs also a lot of physical work in the form of practice. You will find what works for you quickly and if you continue to you become better and better. Practise your skills regardless of what media you choose, exercise your mind and dream. All goods things will come to you if you do it with love!


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